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Due to the complexity of custom prescription lenses, Custom Rx goggles is currently not available online.
A fully customizable swimming goggle that can accommodate sphere, cylinder and prism. Bring greater possibilities to patients with conditions that regular Rx goggles cannot address.
We edge and mount the lenses in our lab, guaranteeing a proper seal every time.
Price varies based on Rx. Please call (416) 297-8181 for details. Please order by fax or email.
Download the Custom Swimming Goggle Order Form to get started.
Sphere: -10.00 to +10.00 Cyl: -6.00
Powers beyond -6.00 to +4.00 Cyl: -2.00 must be surfaced.
Edging, Mounting and Water Sealing Included
Replacement & Spare Parts Available:
Black (Plano Lens), Blue (Plano Lens), Stock Lenses, Surface Lenses, Black Strap, Bridge
To Order Mounted Custom Rx Goggles:
MOSI Children's Custom Rx Swimming Goggle with SPH & CYL also available